miercuri, 29 decembrie 2010

De ce sa cumparati o BANDA de ALERGARE?

Progresul tehnologiei combinat cu costurile de productie reduse ? toate acestea va spun ca puteti acum sa cumparati o banda de alergare pentru uz la domiciliu cu control gradient, cu programe presetate si o functionare care este extrem de apropiata de benzile de alergare comerciale de calitate pentru mai putin de 1000Euro!

Ceea ce este foarte bine, pentru ca alergatul si urcatul dealurilor reprezinta forme foarte bune de antrenament cardiovascular si ambele sunt eficiente atat in controlul greutatii cat si in reducerea grasimii din corp. O banda buna de alergare poate oferi un nivel de amortizare atat de ridicat incat face ca cei mai exotici pantofi de sport sa dea senzatia unui flip-flop, fara sa trebuiasca sa cauti rutele fara trafic si poluare, dar sigure, mai ales pentru femei in serile de iarna.

Dar benzile de alergare presupun o tehnologie mai complexa decat celelalte tipuri de echipament? (cum ar fi cross trainers (bicicletele), ceea ce inseamna ca trebuie sa te gandesti bine inainte de a te repezi sa cumperi acel produs)

Foarte important cand cumparati o banda de alergare:

Asigurati-va ca banda de alergare se vinde impreuna cu o garantie a service-ului, pentru ca multe marci de import se vand doar cu garantia pieselor (doar nu vreti sa schimbati un nou motor chiar d-voastra, etc). Asigurati-va ca garantia nu se ofera cu intoarcerea la baza (d-voastra platiti transportul), intrebati daca inginerul vine la d-voastra acasa sa faca reparatia.

Este important sa cumparati un produs cu nume de marca cunoscut “high street” pentru care se ofera service adecvat in toata tara. Astfel, daca vanzatorul cu amanuntul dispare, garantia d-voastra este totusi valabila la producator. Acum multi producatori ofera garantii pentru toata viata aparatului pentru motor si o garantie prelungita pentru structura si componente.

* Dimensiuni generale – Verificati daca se incadreaza in locul in care doriti sa-l puneti (langa o sursa de energie) cu destul loc pentru a va urca si coborati de pe aparat. Daca locul este mic, ganditi-va si la benzile de alergare rabatabile.
* Puterea motorului – Ar trebui sa aiba cel putin 2.0 cai putere si sa aiba un bun efort de torsiune (la viteze foarte mici, cureaua nu trebuie sa incetineasca cand pasiti pe ea)
* Amortizarea si stabilitatea benzii – Cum te simti cand alergi pe banda de alergare? O banda buna de alergare ar trebui sa ofere o amortizare excelenta, dar sa nu scuture, sa nu agite, sa nu faca zgomote sau sa vibreze la fiecare pas.
* Cureaua sau banda de rulare – verificati daca banda este destul de lata (se recomanda de la 40cm in sus) si destul de lunga pentru a se adapta stilului d-voastra de alergat fara sa aveti crampe si sa se miste lin pentru punte, chiar si cand mergeti la viteza mica.
* Viteza maxima – Asigurati-va ca este cu cel putin 3Km/ora mai mare decat pasul d-voastra obisnuit de alergat? pentru ca motoarele benzilor de alergare care sunt folosite la viteze maxime pe perioade lungi nu vor rezista prea mult.
* Gradientul maxim (inclinarea) -? Gradiente maxime mai mari, de ex. 12%+ sunt folositoare pentru exercitiile de mers. Mai verificati si cat de repede se schimba gradientul cand apasati butonul!
* Pupitru feedback si usurinta utilizarii – cat de clare si inteligibile sunt informatiile de pe afisaj? Cat de usor este accesul la programe (daca exista)? Daca sunt butoanele destul de vizibile si usor de folosit?
* Programele – multe benzi de alergare ofera antrenamente la intervale anume, curse de alergat in panta sau va dau posibilitatea sa va creati propriul d-voastra program de alergat/ mers. Unele mai afiseaza si controlul ritmului cardiac.
* Zgomotul – cat de zgomotoasa este banda de alergat mai ales la viteze mai mari? Benzile de alergare mai silentioase de obicei au un standard mai ridicat de structura si motor.
* Rabatarea – Se rabateaza banda de alergare pentru a putea fi depozitata?
* Standardul structurii – Structurile sudate sunt mai bune decat structurile prinse cu suruburi (suruburile se pot desprinde sub presiune si greutate mare) iar banda de alergare nu trebuie sa se scuture vizibil cand calcati pe ea (este semnul unei constructii fragile)!

marți, 14 decembrie 2010

Fwonez Free WordPress Theme

Fwonez is a clean Magazine theme comes with a fantastique design. Nothing much to setup for using this theme, just a simple setting at Yoshz Admin Panel which included in this theme. Fwonez is a free theme under license GPL but please not to remove any copyright link at the footer.
Other Features

  • WP 3.0 Menus Function already included.
  • Magazine Style comes with thumbnail image. It will capture the first image in your post.
  • Yoshz Admin Panel will be included. Just a simple setting, no need to do the hard code.
  • You can choose whether you want the Featured Slider and 125px ads to appear at your theme or not.
  • Compatible with IE8, Firefox 3, Opera, Safari and other popular browser and also compatible with the latest WordPress version.

How to Install

Download the theme file and extract the zip file then upload the theme directory to your theme directory in wp-content/themes. After that apply it on your wordpress dashboard in menu Appearance then setting the theme with our Yoshz Admin Panel.

Please make sure you change the cache directory permission to 775. If you fail to do that your image thumbnail will not appear properly.

Demo | Download

WordPress Sidebar Turned Apple-Flashy Using jQuery UI

Apple have always been Gods in terms of the way they present themselves and their products. I just love the sidebar on the Apple Startpage, and wanted to use the Accordion plugin in jQuery UI to achieve this! As if that’s not enough for me, I want to be able to show and hide it at my pleasure as well. I’m gonna show you how!


This tutorial assumes that you have a wordpress engine running on a server that you have access to upload files, download files and browse to. If you want to run a local server on your computer with a wordpress installation, there is a tutorial on that here for Windows, and here for OS X.

Files you’ll need.

We need a total of 6 files for this tutorial:

  • functions.php – This will hold a small line of code registering our sidebar.
  • index.php – We most definately need this file. Any guesses why?
  • jQueryHere’s version 1.2.6 for you.
  • jQuery UI (accordion) – We only need the Accordion plugin and the UI core, not the whole UI library.
  • sidebar.js – Contains all the jQuery code for the sidebar.
  • style.css – Needed to activate the theme, and contains all CSS.
  • images folder – I’ll give you a list of images to fill this up with a bit later on, in the CSS part. For now, though, we only need 1 image that is in the HTML – the RSS icon! Place it in the folder ‘images’ and let’s get started!

Don’t forget to activeate your WordPress theme (which should be aptly named sidebarTheme) in Dashboard! Right. To the tutorial! We’re going to start off with the HTML and WordPress we’ll need. This will include the strcutre we’ll need, Then we’ll fill it up with the WordPress code that will display posts and register and show our sidebar. It’ll still look icky after this, so we’ll fix it up with some pretty CSS that’ll make it somewhat resemble the apple startpage, and make the sidebar look apple-y too. We do this before the JS so those without JS still see the pretty lookin’ thing. Then, finally, my favourite – the jQuery. We’ll animate it open and closed, and use accordion() and it’s parameters to generate the hover effect.

Step 1 – HTML

Quickly open up functions.php, and put this in:

  1. if(function_exists('register_sidebar')){
  2. register_sidebar(array('name' => 'appleQuery'));
  3. }
  4. ?>

functions.php is automatically picked up by PHP/Wordpress and executes the functions. This function asks WordPress to register a new sidebar in the Dashboard to add widgets to it. That’s not all though… We need to put that into our theme! I’ll explain that after the HTML/Wordpress bit next. The array just names the sidebar, so that in Dashboard we can select which sidebar to edit (not really a problem… More of a good habit incase of numerous sidebars).

Copy or type this into your index.html:

  1. "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
  2. "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
  3. "http://gmpg.org/xfn/11">

  4. <?php bloginfo(<span class="string">'name'</span><span>); ?><?php wp_title(); ?>

  5. "stylesheet" href="" type="text/css" media="screen" />
  6. "alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="RSS 2.0" href="" />

  7. "wrapper">
  8. 'name'); ?>

  9. "sidebar">
    • if(function_exists('dynamic_sidebar') && dynamic_sidebar()) : ?>
    • endif; ?>

  • "content">
  • "topStories">
  • "sidebarToggleButton" class="sidebarOpen">
  • Top Stories
  • echo date('F j, Y H:i A e'); ?>
  • "" title="RSS 2 feed">"/images/rssIcon.gif" alt="" />

  • if(have_posts()) : ?>while(have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
  • class="post">
  • class="postDate">'F j, Y'); ?>
  • "" title="">

  • class="entry">
  • '(read more...)'); ?>

  • endwhile; ?>
  • endif; ?>

  • Explanation

    Ok… I know that’s a lot. A lot a lot. But this tutorial doesn’t specifically focus on WordPress and HTML, but I’ll pick out the interestings that you should probably understand.

    • The whole sidebar segment – This is the main part of what’s important. What we’re asking wordpress, is that if, in the entire local wordpress engine, the function dynamic_sidebar is present (which it is in functions.php), execute the function. The appleQuery specifies the name of the sidebar that we assigned it (in functions.php, remember?).
    • – This is some raw PHP to echo the current date and time of the user. It’s only in here because it’s on Apple! It’s in the format of: (Month DD, YYYY 00:00 AM GMT).
    • – Look in the head element… Do you see the same thing? Once again, it’s on Apple’s website. It’s just the XML entries feed for the blog.
    • – Nothing amazing… This is just the button that’ll toggle the visibility of the sidebar. I’ve made it a span so it’s not clickable for JSless browsers, but using the .click() function of jQuery people WITH JS can!

    So with the HTML and WordPress all up, I’d suggest going into your WP Admin, and adding a few widgets to your blog. For some reason, Search doesn’t have a title, and the tag cloud widget doesn’t disappear – Go figure! I used the following in mine:

    • Categories
    • Archives
    • Links
    • Pages
    • Meta

    And it should look something like this:


    Kinda ugly huh? Never fear, CSS is here!

    Step 2 – CSS

    Yes, fantastic CSS is here to save the day! We want to create something somewhat remenisce of this (photoshop mockup):

    Like my little blur effect? I thought it fitted… Anyway. The blur will be the JS, but for now we want everything to be expanded, and shown, so that for the 1% of smart cookies that don’t have JS enabled, the sidebar will still be visible and still look pretty. Very, very big, but nevertheless, there. It’s a big chunk, so I’ve put it in another file, as to not fill this page up – Don’t kill me! Copy or type this CSS into your style.css. You’ll need all of these images:

    activeBg.png, h1.png, inactiveBg.png, sidebarClose.png, sidebarOpen.png, topStoriesBg.png

    Some things to note

    • I’ve done my best to stick to ems in terms of font-sizing, so the 75% just downsizes all text to 12px which becomes 1em. That’s for another tutorial though!
    • In the h1 code I’ve used ‘text-shadow’. This is CSS3. It just contributes to the applesque look!
    • #content – Has a background colour of white. Why you ask? The background will always be white anyway, what’s the point? Well, my friends, when we get to the jQuery we need #content to become a blanket for the sidebar, and if there is no background set, it’ll be transparent thus showing the sidebar.
    • #sidebarToggleButton – That’s one hell of a name… This sets the button that will toggle the visibility of the sidebar to be correctly in position, but invisible to the JSless people. When we move onto the JS, the background images will be applied then, so they only show for the JS people!

    Those 3 things are just about the only quirks in there. I’ve tested that code in FF, Safari 3 and Opera 9, and it all looks perfect! Here is how it should look:

    Next we need to jQueryfy it.

    Step 3 – jQuery Time!

    I love jQuery! I love it that you can translate words to code so easily, and I always start off by doing the words. Here is a basic idea of what we want the script to do.

    • Hide the sidebar.
    • On clicking ‘.sidebarOpen’, toggle the following:
      • Remove the class ‘sidebarOpen’.
      • Add the class ‘sidebarClose’ (which we’ll style next section).
      • Animate the sidebar to slide out from under (literally, using position: relative;)
      • Animate (this) to move X amount of pixels to the left (so that it stays in line with the sidebar).
    • Initiate the Accordion.

    That all seems like a lot (but it’s really not…) so I’ll take you through it step by step. Open up the file you created called sidebar.js and start typing!

    Step 3.1

    As always, don’t forget to wrap everything in jQuery’s special document ready:

    1. $(document).ready(function(){

    2. //jQuery code goes here

    3. });

    Put everything here on between the document ready!

    Step 3.2

    1. $("#sidebar").css({ left: "205px"});

    This ‘hides’ the sidebar by manipulating the DOM level CSS. It doesn’t really, it just gets swept under the rug. The literal rug being div#content. This wont actually work until we’ve added a little more CSS, but I’ll cover after this section.

    Step 3.3

    1. $(".sidebarOpen").toggle(function(){
    2. $(this)
    3. .removeClass("sidebarOpen")
    4. .addClass("sidebarClose")
    5. .animate({right: "205px"}, 500);
    6. $("#sidebar").animate({left: "0px"}, 500);
    7. }, function(){
    8. $(this)
    9. .removeClass("sidebarClose")
    10. .addClass("sidebarOpen")
    11. .animate({right: "0px"}, 500);
    12. $("#sidebar").animate({left: "205px"}, 500);
    13. });

    OK I can understand your confusion. This is a lot for a step by step instruction right?! Well yeah… But it’s actually 2 very similar things. The first function in the .toggle() will:

    • Removes the class of ‘sidebarOpen’ (the classes are for CSS in the next section).
    • Adds the class of ‘sidebarClose’.
    • Animates our little button to slide to the left alongside:
    • The sidebar sliding out itself, being animated with jQuery. Both are set to come out during half a second, so they should move together.

    The thing is, is that the second function is exactly that, but in reverse! It:

    • Removes the class of ‘sidebarClose’.
    • Adds the class of ‘sidebarOpen’.
    • Animates our little button to slide back in to the right alongside:
    • The sidebar sliding back in.

    See! Not so hard. It’s just a lot of code to read over.

    Step 3.4

    Accordion time! Yay! We finally get to use the ever present jQuery UI. The way they’ve designed the widget makes it super simple to impliment:

    1. $("#sidebar ul").accordion({
    2. header: 'h2',
    3. event: 'mouseover',
    4. activeClass: 'selected'
    5. });

    It’s just the one .accordion() function, applied to the ul within the #sidebar div. The parameters (one per line) are as follows (pretty self explanitory… But eh):

    • header – This defines the handles of each accordion ‘drawer’ – In our case, the h2 of each widget.
    • event – Defines when to change drawers, and we want the hover effect like Apple has, so we use mouseover
    • activeClass – This is handy for the little extra CSS we’re about to endure. It gives the expanded drawer a class of ‘selected’.

    That’s all the JavaScript code we’ll be needing. It’s all pretty straightforward, and easily modified to suit whatever you need!

    Why this is so fantastic

    I feel this hasn’t been glorified enough yet! The amazing thing about the accordion plugin is that you don’t have to edit any of the WordPress generated code, which we haven’t formatted ourselves at all (aside from the wrapping ul, but that’s necessary regardless). Not only is it 100% unobtrusing and 100% unreliant on edited HTML code, but it’s also a short quick function. Accordion does all the dirty work of selecting, animating, activating, changing classes, etc. It’s great! Consider AccordionUI glorified! You should most probably have something similar to this (I’ve put the accordion in very lightly so you can see where it should be):

    Step 4 – jQuery CSS

    So obviously we’re going to need a little extra CSS to cater for all the chopping and changing jQuery does for us. Things needing additional styling are:

    • #sidebarToggleButton – Using the classes that jQuery assigns for us, we can now safely style the images ‘sidebarClose.png’ and ‘sidebarOpen.png’ that I got you to save earlier.
    • The accordion definitely needs some work. We need to fix the square corders with some CSS3 and style the active class.
    1. /* jQUERY CSS */

    2. #sidebar>ul{
    3. border-radius: 5px;
    4. -moz-border-radius: 5px;
    5. -webkit-border-radius: 5px;
    6. -opera-border-radius: 5px;
    7. }

    8. span.sidebarOpen{
    9. background: url(images/sidebarOpen.png) no-repeat center;
    10. }

    11. span.sidebarClose{
    12. background: url(images/sidebarClose.png) no-repeat center;
    13. }

    14. h2.selected{
    15. background: url(images/activeBg.png) repeat-x !IMPORTANT;
    16. color: white !IMPORTANT;
    17. }

    Just 2 things to note:

    1. #sidebar>ul – That is, the direct ul child of #sidebar gets the cool rounded corders – still beta CSS3. But works in all Mozilla, Opera and WebKit based browsers.
    2. !IMPORTANT – This is needed to override what has previously been set – the default handle grey background.

    And so now, your final product show be something pretty like this: (Click for HTML version)


    Wrapping up

    So we’ve gone over a bit of stuff in this tutorial. We’ve looked at dynamic sidebars, A lot of jQuery to show and hide the sidebar that is infact an accordion in itself! This tutorial was aimed at using additional plugins for the default jQuery (We plugged jQuery UI in), and also the dynamic_sidebar function.

    Better Tagging with P2

    When we originally released P2 our mission was to create an awesome feature-packed group blog theme. We have stayed true to that mission with new improvements to P2 functionality that will make collaborating with others much easier.

    P2 now sports a site member autocomplete tool that takes the guesswork out of tagging people in your posts. P2 will also now display the most popular tags for a blog as well as the number of times a tag has been used. These new features allow you to better identify and organize your posts.

    Site Member Autocomplete

    When you write posts it is now possible to bring up a list of members posting on your blog. From the front page of P2, type the @ character with part of a username and the a list of username suggestions will appear based on username and display name. You can choose the correct member name to insert and the name should be added to your post content. After tagging a member in your post, the post will be filed under a special URL (for example: http://p2demo.wordpress.com/mentions/justin/).

    Tagging Improvements

    We have also made some great improvements to the tag-it box. The tags that appear when you begin typing will now be ordered by popularity. P2 will also display the number of times a tag has been used. This will allow you to better decide what tags to use. To use the feature just begin typing some characters and a list of available tags should display.

    Using P2

    Just like other themes, you can find P2 under Appearance > Themes on your dashboard. Those who are into the self-hosted version of WordPress can keep an eye out for the updated version of P2 in the coming weeks.

    How to install Wordpress manually

    If you do not have the Fantastico auto installer on your account or just choose not to use it, you have the option to install WordPress manually. Please, follow the step-by-step guide below in order to activate Wordpress on your hosting account:

    How to install Wordpress manually

    Step 1: Download the installation file from the WordPress download section by clicking on "Download.zip" or "Download.tar.gz". This way you will get the latest stable release of the script.

    Step 2: Upload it in public_html folder of your account. You can do that via FTP with a client like Filezilla or via cPanel -> File Manager -> Upload file(s). This way, after the installation is completed, the file script will appear once you visit your website.

    Another option is to create a subfolder in your hosting account and upload the file in it. The WordPress installation will be accessible at:


    Step 3: When you are in cPanel -> File Manager, navigate to the uploaded file and extract it by clicking on "Extract". The other option is to extract the file in your computer and then to upload the content in the desired folder via FTP.

    Step 4: Once the files are extracted in the desired folder, you should create a MySQL database for WordPress. You can do that from cPanel -> MySQL Databases. Detailed instructions how to do so can be found in our MySQL tutorial.

    Step 5: Rename wp-config-sample.php to wp-config.php and edit it. Fill in your database connection details in the following lines:

    define('DB_NAME', ''); // The name of the database
    define('DB_USER', ''); // Your MySQL username
    define('DB_PASSWORD', ''); // ...and password

    You can also change the default database prefix in order to secure your WordPress installation.

    Step 6: Open in your browser:


    This should set up the tables needed for your blog. If there is an error, double check your wp-config.php file, and try again.

    Step 7: The installation procedure is finished. You can save the administrative username and the password. You will need them to access the WordPress installation admin backend in the future.

    duminică, 12 decembrie 2010

    Popup Domination v2.0 – WordPress Premium Plugin Free

    Popup Domination v2 0
    Popup Domination – WordPress Premium Plugin

    Popup domination, the best wp plugin that dramatically supercharge your business!

    Download here:

    Malware Found in WordPress Theme – Protect Yourself Now

    The article sums up his revealing analysis of how a Theme malware code integrates itself into your site, even down to the server level, through a twisting path of imaginative code. The code reminds me of insidious bombs featured in an episode of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine called “Houdinis.” The bombs vanished in and out of subspace, each less than a meter from another one in a grid. At any time it could appear and explode if it detected movement near it, surprising and killing the victims. This code has the ability to activate, create trouble, then erase its path, making it tough to detect, test, and eliminate.

    The article also offers some tips and WordPress Plugins for checking your site for security vulnerabilities, as well as possibly test a Theme before you become too invested in it. There is no one full-proof, one step thing you can do yet, though there are many working on some advanced site armor and prevention tools which I will cover in an upcoming article on WordCast.

    In general, use the built-in auto update feature to upgrade WordPress immediately when a mandatory security update is released, and upgrade Themes and Plugins.

    Remember, prevention is cheaper and easier than dealing with a hack after the fact.

    We live in “interesting times,” and I dream of the day when those who dance with the dark put their creative energy, discipline and determination into projects of light, peace, and joy…and that good would pay better than bad.

    WordPress Installation

    WordPress is really easy to install. It is included in the Fantastico Autoinstaller tool and can be activated in just a few clicks! If your host does not support Fantastico, please check our Wordpress Manual Installation tutorial.

    Check out the WordPress installation video tutorial:

    How to install WordPress

    Please, follow the step-by-step guide below in order to activate Wordpress on your hosting account:

    Step 1: Please, login to your CPanel and locate the Fantastico De Luxe icon:

    Wordpress - CPanel - Fantastico

    Step 2: Find and click the WordPress link.

    Wordpress installation

    Step 3: Then choose New Installation:

    Wordpress - New Installation

    Step 4: Decide upon the location of your blog - if you would like to have it as your site front page, leave the directory box blank, otherwise fill in the appropriate folder name. Next, fill in the administrator details and the e-mail account configuration then click the Install WordPress button.

    Wordpress installation folder

    Step 5: A new confirmation page will be loaded for the installation. Click the Finish Installation button if no errors are reported.

    Wordpress - Finish Installation

    If else you will have to go back and rectify the specified issues.

    Step 6: After completing the installation the final screen will load, providing you with the installation details. You will be able to e-mail the details to a specified address also in order to keep them for future reference.

    Wordpress - installation successful

    Well done! You have successfully installed the Wordpress application!

    sâmbătă, 11 decembrie 2010

    Wordpress Tid Generator

    60% Commision! Automatically create unique CB TIDs for products you promote on wordpress based sites. Finally it is possible to see conversion statistics on a per keyword base for CB products. http://wptidgenerator.com/affiliates

    Check it out!

    Totul despre balonare

    Balonarea este cauzata de o anumita afectiune sau este o consecinta a unui stil alimentar dezordonat. Daca senzatia de balonare este repetitiva, in ciuda regimului alimentar optim, este important sa va adresezi unui medic specialist pentru a depista daca exista probleme digestive si cum pot fi tratate. Balonarea se manifesta prin gaze in exces in tubul digestiv, in special in stomac si intestine. In cazuri de balonare persistenta, este recomandata o detoxifiere de 2-3 ori pe an, necesitate prezenta in special dupa varsta de 35 de ani, cand problemele digestive devin mai frecvente.

    Envato Flash OOP Bundle on Sale!

     Since our roots here at Envato are in Flash – ActiveDen was our very first site – we’ve always had a bit of a soft spot for the technology. Though it’s taken a battering in the last year, things seem to be picking up and certainly our Flash Marketplace is still going strong. So today we’re unveiling a limited time offer Flash OOP Site Template Bundle packing $399 of value and putting it for sale for just $30!

    The templates in this deal are simply stunning, and built really, really well. What’s more we’ve included bonus extras from partners secureSWF, Greensock and RockablePress.

    If you’re a Flash-addict, have a project suited to Flash, or just want to dabble and see where the state of things are, head over and grab yourself a bundle now!

    The deal is only available for a few days so don’t delay. And if you’re interested in hearing about more Envato Bundles add your name to our supersale list!

    View the original article here

    vineri, 10 decembrie 2010

    Wp Affiliate Pro - The #1 Plugin For WordPres Blogs

    Instantly Identify, Manage & Track Your Highest Performing Affiliate Links Over Your Entire Wordpress Blog In Less Time Than It Takes To Pour A Glass Of Kool Aid And Make More Money Doing So.

    Check it out!

    Get a Top Selling Item on CodeCanyon for Free

     As you may know, each month – across all of the Envato™ marketplaces – we offer one new free file. I’m pleased to announce that, for December, the awesome Jigowatt team have donated one of CodeCanyon’s top selling PHP scripts.

    So for the entire month of December, you can have it for free!

    Very easy to integrate into any existing PHP page on your website.The form style can be integrated into your existing website Stylesheet.All fields have a validation script so you get the *required info you need.Anti spam, are you human? filter.Only 1 option to configure (your email address) to make the script function.Integrated thank you / success page.Integrated error messages, if fields aren’t correct or incomplete.Uses standard server features for a no-hassle installation.Customisable email message that you receive.Customisable email subject.New! Submit phone number and digit validation.

    I’d love to remind you of our newest category, specifically for mobile components, boilerplates, and scripts! I’m particularly excited to see how the Titanium subcategory pans out, as there’s an enormous amount of potential there — for both authors and buyers.

    Anyhow – enjoy the free item! Also, don’t forget that all of our marketplaces offer a new free item every month!

    View the original article here

    Day 6: Pretty Permalinks and How To Keep Old Links Alive

    Have you ever looked at the URLs of your posts and thought “Hm, that might be a bit hard to remember” or even “I wonder what all that stuff means”? If that sounds familiar it’s high time you learned about permalinks and how to make them “pretty”. On this Sixth Day of WordPress we’ll take a look at how to get WordPress to use so-called “pretty” permalinks and also how to change the permalinks of existing WordPress sites without losing old links pointing to the site in the process.

    Note that though this is fairly basic stuff that should work fine on most WordPress installations and hosts, I have encountered one case in which messing with the permalink structure had truly horrific site-destroying consequences. The following comes with no warranties and I take no responsibility if something goes wrong when you follow these instructions. That said I do what is described below on all the sites I work with and apart from that one very strange case on a very strange server I have never had any issues.

    To understand pretty permalinks and how to make good use of them you first need to understand what they are and how they work. If you already know this you can skip this section and move on to the next one. If not, I’ll try to be concise and educational.

    When you create a post or page in WordPress you are actually just creating a database entry equivalent to one row in a spreadsheet. Each post or page is assigned and identifying number so it can be tracked down and called by WordPress at any time. As an example this post has been assigned the number 1040. To call the content from one such entry, all you have to do is tell WordPress to display the content of row 1040 like this: http://www.designisphilosophy.com/?p=1040. This is called a query and it is at the core of WordPress’ functionality.

    The problem of course is that whereas the server might find it very easy to deal with each post or page as a number, your visitors and search engines can’t really make heads or tails of it. They’d much rather have a proper description of the content of a particular post. This is where the pretty permalinks come in. By setting up a permalink structure for your WordPress site you tell WordPress and the server to assign new semantic (meaningful) URLs to each post and page – usually based on the title. So instead of that weird URL above the permalink URL for this page becomes http://www.designisphilosophy.com/24-days-of-wordpress/pretty-permalinks-and-how-to-keep-old-links-alive/. Not only is this new URL written in English, but it gives a clear description of the post: It belongs to 24 Days of WordPress and it has something to do with permalinks. And that’s what we want.

    By default WordPress uses the numbering scheme for all your content. This is not what you want unless your site will only be read by computers. Which I guess could happen. Fortunately changing the permalink structure for WordPress is a 10 second process:

    Go to Settings -> PermalinksClick the “Custom Structure” radio buttonEnter the following strip of code: /%category%/%postname%/Click Save Changes

    If your server allows WordPress to write to the .htaccess file this is all you have to do and your posts will now be listed as http://www.yourdomain.com/category/postname while your pages will be listed as http://www.yourdomain.com/pageparent/pagename. Done and done.

    In some cases the server will not let WordPress write to a file called .htaccess. If so you have to do some manual labour to get everything to work. Good thing is WordPress does the work for you – you just have to copy and paste some code.

    If when you followed the 4 steps above WordPress runs into trouble it’ll give you a warning at the bottom of the page that looks something like this:

    All you have to do now is copy the code in the box (may be different from what you see above), paste it into the .htaccess file and push it back up to your server. Here’s a more thorough rundown step by step:

    Log in to the root folder of your WordPress installation through FTPIn the root instalation you should find a file called “.htaccess”. If so copy it to somewhere on your desktop and make a backup copy called “.htaccessOLD” just in case something goes wrong.Open .htaccess in your text editor.If there is no .htaccess file in your root folder, open your text editor and create a file named “.htaccess”. Note there is no prefix here and the file has no file type. If you save it as “.htaccess.txt” for example it will not work.Go to the Permalinks page in your WordPress installation, find the code as illustrated above and copy the whole bulk of code.Go to .htaccess and paste the code in anywhere.Save .htaccess and  use your FTP client to put it back into the root folder of your WordPress installation.

    Now when  you reload your WordPress site it should have pretty permalinks. If it doesn’t you missed a step somewhere. If everything explodes or nothing loads, go back through FTP, remove the .htaccess file, make a copy of your backup file, rename it “.htaccess” overwriting your new broken version and push .htaccess back up to your site through FTP. This should restore everything.

    Now that you have your pretty permalinks properly configured you can start customizing them. When you create a new post or page and click either Save Draft or Publish, WordPress generates a permalink for you. If you used my permalink structure above the post will get a URL based on the category and post name (or in case of a page the page parent (if any) and the page name). If it’s a post with multiple categories WordPress will pick the first category alphabetically and use that one so if you want a specific category pick that one first, save the post as a draft and then add additional categories.

    Once a permalink has been established, you can change the postname portion of it. You do this by clicking the Edit button that appears directly next to the permalink (which is displayed directly under the post title) and typing in a new title. Keep in mind on the web only standard English letters work and you can’t have any spaces so separate your words with dashes. When you’re satisfied click OK and the new permalink is applied.

    WordPress does a pretty good job at defining these permalinks for you but you may want to edit them. For example this post is has the words “Day 6? at the beginning of the title, but since I don’t think people are going to search for “Day 6? hoping to find an article on WordPress permalinks I’ve taken it out.

    “But” you may say “my site has been up for years using the old crappy numbering system and thousands of sites link to me already. If I change the permalink structure on my site, all those links will point nowhere. That can’t be good.” And you will be right. If you have an existing site with an old permalink structure – whether it be the default or some strange structure you or your web developer came up with a couple of years ago – and you want to change it you have to insert safeguards that people who visit your posts and pages using the old structure won’t be led astray.

    Fortunately, like with most things WordPress, there’s a plugin for that. And it’s called Dean’s Permalink Migration plugin (for a full breakdown check out Dean’s site).

    This plugin works on a very simple principle: You provide the old permalink structure for your site and it will redirect anyone using that old structure to the new permalink locations. Once you have the plugin installed (it’s available through the WordPress Plugin Directory and can be installed from within WordPress) and activated, a new option appears under Settings called “PermalinksMigration”. To use the function simply click this option, enter the old permalink structure in the field and click Update Options. Can’t get much simpler than that.

    Now if for some strange reason you have multiple different permalink structures you need to redirect there are other more heavyweight plugins available, but I find that in most cases the simplest option is the best one and this is as simple and straight forward as it gets.

    This tutorial is part of the 24 Days of WordPress series. If you want to learn more about WordPress and Expression Web check out the Sams Teach Yourself Microsoft Expression Web in 24 Hours series (version 2, 3 and 4), Lynda.com’s WordPress 3.0 Essential Training course and Microsoft Expression Web 4 LiveLessons.

    View the original article here

    joi, 9 decembrie 2010

    Wp Easy Article Uploader - Wordpress Plgin

    Wp Easy Article Uploader The most advanced Article Uploading Plugin available on the web! Loads multiple articles directly from your hard drive to post at random intervals of your choosing- many advanced features including auto adsense /banner area

    Check it out!

    How to Create a FAQ Page with WordPress and Custom Post Types

     Technology: Wordpress and jQuery UI Difficulty: Intermediate Estimated Completion Time: 45 minutes

    In the web world, a FAQ page is created specifically for the viewers/customers, and contains general questions and their respective answers about a particular product or service. This tutorial details the process of creating a dedicated FAQ section in the WordPress backend with custom post types, as well as how to spice up the actual page a bit by using jQuery and CSS.

    To accomplish our goal, we require a dedicated custom FAQ WordPress post type. That way, we can use the title and the content of these posts to display the FAQs in an innovative and user-friendly way.

    To begin creating the FAQ page, we, of course, must first install WordPress on our localhost. Installing WordPress is a piece of cake; however, if you’re new to this, here is a guide that details the process.

    The TwentyTen template is the default theme that ships with WordPress.

    Once WordPress is ready to go, we should next create our custom theme, which will implement the FAQ functionality. There are various methods of creating a custom theme. Some prefer to create a new blank white template, while others like to create child themes of the new TwentyTen template. I have been using the Starker’s theme, by Elliot Jay Stocks for a long time now; we’ll use it to create the new theme for our FAQ system.

    Download the latest version of the Starker’s blank theme, and move the folder into ‘wp-content/themes’, located within the WordPress installation folder. Also, be sure to rename it to FAQ. Next, login to the backend administration panel of WordPress, click on ‘appearance/themes.’ You will find that the default ‘TwentyTen’ theme is activated, while the new theme, ‘Starkers,’ is listed below it. Activate the Starkers theme.

    Upon activation, preview the site to verify that everything is, indeed, working properly. If all went according to plan, the site should look somewhat like the following image:

    To implement the FAQ system, we are going to create a custom post type solely for this purpose. This will enable us to manage all the FAQs in one place, especially if the FAQ question base increases with time.

    To implement a custom post, edit the functions.php file located in the FAQ theme folder. It will contain a good bit of code, so don’t be scared or confused. Scroll down to the bottom and append the following to add a new custom post. We begin by creating hooking a custom function to the initialization (init) action.

    // ADDING CUSTOM POST TYPE FAQadd_action('init', 'my_custom_init');

    This custom function will contain all the metadata for the custom post, and will also register the custom post within the WordPress database. Now, within the function, we are first going to define the labels which will be used in the backend administration panels. By labels, I mean the text that is going to show up in the user interface for adding, editing, and searching the FAQs in the admin panel.

    $labels = array( 'name' => _x('FAQs', 'post type general name'), 'singular_name' => _x('FAQ', 'post type singular name'), 'add_new' => _x('Add New', 'FAQ'), 'add_new_item' => __('Add New FAQ'), 'edit_item' => __('Edit FAQ'), 'new_item' => __('New FAQ'), 'view_item' => __('View FAQ'), 'search_items' => __('Search FAQs'), 'not_found' => __('No FAQs found'), 'not_found_in_trash' => __('No FAQs found in Trash'), 'parent_item_colon' => '' );

    After we’ve defined the labels, we next define the arguments array for the register_post_type method. These arguments contain all the important information which will define the components of our FAQ post. For example, will it have a tag box; an excerpt box? We pass the array of labels defined above as an argument, as well.

    $args = array( 'labels' => $labels, 'public' => true, 'publicly_queryable' => true, 'show_ui' => true, 'query_var' => true, 'rewrite' => true, 'capability_type' => 'post', 'hierarchical' => false, 'menu_position' => 5, 'supports' => array('title','editor','thumbnail','custom-fields') );

    Now that the arguments are defined, we can register the custom post type using the register_post_type method. You can learn more about this method by referring to its documentation in the WordPress Codex.

    function my_custom_init(){ $labels = array( 'name' => _x('FAQs', 'post type general name'), 'singular_name' => _x('FAQ', 'post type singular name'), 'add_new' => _x('Add New', 'FAQ'), 'add_new_item' => __('Add New FAQ'), 'edit_item' => __('Edit FAQ'), 'new_item' => __('New FAQ'), 'view_item' => __('View FAQ'), 'search_items' => __('Search FAQs'), 'not_found' => __('No FAQs found'), 'not_found_in_trash' => __('No FAQs found in Trash'), 'parent_item_colon' => '' ); $args = array( 'labels' => $labels, 'public' => true, 'publicly_queryable' => true, 'show_ui' => true, 'query_var' => true, 'rewrite' => true, 'capability_type' => 'post', 'hierarchical' => false, 'menu_position' => 5, 'supports' => array('title','editor','thumbnail','custom-fields') ); register_post_type('faq',$args);}

    Check the administration panel to determine if the FAQ type post has, in fact, been added successfully. Hopefully, you’ll see the FAQ tab in the sidebar.

    Now go ahead and add some demo FAQs, because we need some data for creating and testing the template. The title of each FAQ post should be the question, and the content will be the answer.

    So far, we’ve created FAQ custom posts, as well as inserted a set of sample data. Now, we’ll code the template to display the FAQs, accordingly. The main logic I have used for organizing the template is: use the FAQ’s unique ID to link the question to the answers. Hence, we have two parts in the template: the questions section, listing all the FAQ titles; and the answer section, which displays the content of each of the FAQs.

    Find the header.php file, open it, delete the div with an id of “access” at the bottom, and also the paragraph which contains the description of the blog. Now add the following code.

    After we retrieve our FAQ post data, we must frame the architecture of how the questions will be displayed. We shall do it in the following manner. All the content is wrapped within a div with an id of “content.”

    You can see that we are going to list the content of each post in a list element. Each list element will have an id of “answers” with the post ID appended to it. This is important: when the question is clicked, the view jumps to the content of the respective post. If you’re working along, preview your site; you should see all the posts listed in the architecture described above.

    Styling of the FAQ page depends entirely on your tastes; you can proceed in any manner you wish. If you’re a designer, feel free to skip Step 4. What I have personally implemented is a smooth and clean layout. When the user clicks on the question, the page smoothly scrolls down to the respective answer and highlights it by changing the colour and increasing the font size. To achieve this, we’ll start by styling the template with CSS. We can make use of CSS3 to add some shadows and transition effects, too. Add the following CSS to styles.css.

    body{ background-color: #bcbcbc;}.clear { clear: both;}h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6{ color:#424242; font-family:Georgia,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; text-shadow: #fff 1px 1px 0px;}h1 a{ color:#424242; font-size:50px; position:relative; top:11px; font-weight: normal; z-index: 100;}h3{ font-size: 20px; font-weight: bold; margin-bottom: 20px;}h4{ font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; margin-bottom: 10px;}a{ color: #3299bb; text-decoration: none; -moz-transition: all 0.2s ease-in-out; -webkit-transition: all 0.2s ease-in-out; -o-transition: all 0.2s ease-in-out; transition: all 0.2s ease-in-out;}#page-wrap{ width: 750px; position: relative; margin: 0px auto 20px auto; padding-top: 50px;}#content{ background-color: #e9e9e9; padding: 64px 35px 22px; font-size: 14px; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; -webkit-box-shadow: rgba(0,0,0,1) 0px 0px 4px; -moz-box-shadow: rgba(0,0,0,1) 0px 0px 4px; box-shadow: rgba(0,0,0,1) 0px 0px 4px ;}#content p{ text-align:justify; font-size: 12px; line-height: 18px; margin-bottom: 10px;}#questions{ margin-bottom: 50px;}#questions li{ margin-bottom: 20px; color: #3299bb; list-style-type: disc; list-style-position: inside;}#questions ul li a{ font-weight: bold;}#questions ul li a:hover{ color: #00befd;}#questions ul li a:active{ color: #e78c03;}#answers ul li{ margin-bottom: 30px; clear: both;}#footer{ padding-top:5px; text-align:center;}#footer p{ color: #424242;}#footer a{ color: #424242; font-weight: bold;}

    After styling the page, we should style the current FAQ. Note that we’ve also added a ‘Top’ button to the current FAQ. To create the button, we’ll use a handful of CSS3 properties.

    .current-faq{ background-color: #424242; color: #e9e9e9; padding:30px 30px 23px;}.current-faq h4{ color: #e9e9e9; font-weight: bold; font-size:22px; text-shadow: #000 1px 1px 0px;}.top-button { border-top: 1px solid #96d1f8; background: #2289a8; background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(#3299bb), to(#2289a8)); background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #3299bb, #2289a8); padding: 4px 8px; -webkit-border-top-left-radius: 6px; -moz-border-radius-topleft: 6px; border-top-left-radius: 6px; -webkit-box-shadow: rgba(0,0,0,1) -1px -1px 0; -moz-box-shadow: rgba(0,0,0,1) -1px -1px 0; box-shadow: rgba(0,0,0,1) -1px -1px 0; text-shadow: rgba(0,0,0,.4) -1px -1px 0; color: #ffffff; font-size: 11px; font-family: Georgia, serif; text-decoration: none; vertical-align: middle; font-weight: bold; float: right; right:-30px; position: relative;}.top-button:hover { border-top-color: #0b93bd; background: #0b93bd; color: #ffffff;}.top-button:active { border-top-color: #e78c03; background: #e78c03;}

    Check if the ‘current’ class is working properly by assigning the class to any of the list elements. The current FAQ should look like the following:

    We’ll use jQuery UI to add some effects to the page. You can download jQuery UI here. We only need limited use of the whole UI library, hence, downloading only the UI core components will suffice. We also need the jQuery scrollTo plug-in for achieving the smooth scrolling effect — though you could also easily code this functionality on your own. Nonetheless, to save time, you can download the plug-in here.

    First, we reference jQuery, the jQuery UI Core files, and the scrollTo plug-in within the header.php file. You can do this by adding the following code just before the wp_head() method.

    The wp_enqueue_script statement is needed in order to load jQuery safely.

    To enable our desired functionality, we fetch the value of the href attribute from the clicked element (i.e. the question). This value is the id of the list element which contains the answer. Then, we scroll to the list element, and apply the ‘current’ class. jQuery UI will ensure that the class is implemented on the list element smoothly and dynamically.

    $(document).ready(function(){$("div#questions ul a").click(function(){var selected = $(this).attr('href');selected += '"'+selected+'"';/*--Removing the Current class and the top button from previous current FAQs---*/$('.top-button').remove();$('.current-faq').removeClass();$.scrollTo(selected, 400 ,function(){$(selected).addClass('current-faq', 400, function(){$(this).append('TOP');});});return false;});

    As mentioned earlier, we also have a ‘Top’ button which scrolls the page back to the top.

    $('.top-button').live('click',function(){$(this).remove();$('.current-faq').removeClass('current-faq',400,function(){$.scrollTo('0px', 800);});return false;})});

    What you’ve learned today is merely one way of implementing a FAQ page. WordPress provides the power of custom fields, which can be used to further improve the functionality of the FAQ system. When it comes to adding other features to our FAQ page, your own creativity is the only limit! Feel free to share your ideas in the comments!

    View the original article here

    Day 7: Brand your social links with the page redirect plugin

    Making WordPress sites work better isn’t always about doing advanced theme hacks and messing around with PHP and CSS code. In many cases it’s just a matter of finding a new or clever use of a plugin or even a function already built in. On this 7th Day of WordPress we’ll take a look at just such a case: Creating brand awareness through social linking with a page redirect plugin.

    I actually got this idea after seeing a tweet by fellow Vancouverite John Bollwitt. Sadly I didn’t save the tweet at the time, and I can’t remember the exact wording, but I’m sure he won’t mind the paraphrasing. It went something like this: “I don’t understand why companies don’t brand their social links with links such as www.yourdomain.com/facebook. It’s a wasted oportunity.” (John said it better). When I saw the tweet I immediately thought well, it’s because people don’t know how to do that.

    The core of the problem, as pointed out by John, is that when we link to our own presences on social networks like Twitter, Facebook, Flickr and so on, we drive people away from our own sites and towards something else. And even if you manage to snag consistent names and tags throughout like we did for the 12×12 Vancouver Photo Marathon (12x12yvr all around) for all the social networks, you are still left pointing people to links like www.facebook.com/12x12yvr. A better option would be if you could turn it on its head and point them to www.12x12yvr.com/facebook etc. And you can, you just need to know how.

    The web, as you know, is nothing but a huge list of address pointers pointing in different directions. These links are what binds the web together and there are a lot of different types of links out there. But a link isn’t always a link, and not all links work the same way. A “normal” link is one that points to a specific page or query on a hosted site somewhere. But there are other types of links, of which the 301 link (or more specifically 301 redirect) is of importance to us. The 301 redirect is a permanent redirect that takes the browser query and jumps it to a different defined link immediately. So for example when you type in “http://www.12x12yvr.com/twitter” in your address bar, the browser immediately jumps to “http://www.twitter.com/12x12yvr” without causing a fuss. If you were to do this using a more basic HTML redirect within a page the browser might stop it from happening.

    These redirects, the 301 being permanent while the 302 and 307 are temporary, are designed to do things like direct people visiting old links to the correct places on new sites. But there is no reason they can’t be used for other purposes, and with the entry of social networks galore these redirects are coming to the forefront as an important tool.

    Question is how do you do this in WordPress. After all, when you make a page in WordPress with a specific title like “Twitter” and you have your permalinks in order, the browser will land on that page. So how do we solve the problem?

    I hate how it sounds, but there’s a plugin for that, called Quick Page / Post Redirect Plugin. This plugin integrates with WordPress to allow you to create custom 301, 302 and 307 redirects for all your pages and posts. As a result you can personalize and brand the online experience even when people leave your site. Take the 12×12 Twitter link as an example:

    After installing the plugin I simply created a new Page called “Twitter” and scrolled down until I found the Quick Page/Post Redirect tab. In the tab (as seen above) you can set each post or page URL to be an active redirect, tell the browser to open the redirect in a new window, add nofollow to the link so search engines don’t start indexing all of Twitter or Facebook on your behalf and decide whether or not you want to show the Redirect URL in the link.

    Once you’ve decided on your settings you can insert your Redirect URL in the field below. This can be anything from a relative or root-relative link, a query or an absolute link – your choice. Once that’s defined all you have left to do is set the type of redirect. By default it’s set to 302 which is a temporary redirect, but for social links to Twitter, Facebook and the likes the correct setting here is 301 – permanent.

    With the settings in order, the URL defined and the redirect set to 301, all that’s left is to publish the page and with that you have your own customized social media link ready for advertisement. Simple, easy and incredibly effective.

    This tutorial is part of the 24 Days of WordPress series. If you want to learn more about WordPress and Expression Web check out the Sams Teach Yourself Microsoft Expression Web in 24 Hours series (version 2, 3 and 4), Lynda.com’s WordPress 3.0 Essential Training course and Microsoft Expression Web 4 LiveLessons.

    View the original article here

    miercuri, 8 decembrie 2010

    Wp Member Site - 75% Commission

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    Quick Tip: First Look at the “Git Tower” GUI

     Newly available in Public Beta (currently), Git Tower is a Mac app, built in Cocoa, that provides a GUI for working with the Git version control system. One of the most frequently asked questions on Nettuts+ is, “What’s the best GUI for working with Git?” It’s no wonder: Git can be incredibly confusing at first. In today’s video quick tip, we’ll take a first look at this new app.

    Subscribe to our YouTube page to watch all of the video tutorials!

    So what do you think? I’m curious to hear how Git newbs view this app, as opposed to seasoned veterans? To the latter, do you see any advantages to using a GUI? Thanks for watching!

    View the original article here

    Day 5: Adding custom WordPress 3 menus to your theme

     Using WordPress 3 Custom Menus I showed you how to get the most out of the custom menu function introduced with WordPress 3. In this Fifth Day of WordPress I’m going to take that a step further and show you how to add new Theme Locations for your menus. This procedure can be used to add new menus to existing themes like twentyten and it can be used to add the WordPress 3 custom menu functionality to old themes that don’t have it already installed. I’ll show you how to add the menu function, how to add the menus to your theme files and also talk a bit about the different variables available when you create custom menus. Lots of ground to cover here so let’s get started.

    To get custom menus to work within your theme you first have to add the function to your theme. That’s done in the functions.php file. The basic function you need to add looks like this:

    'Menu 1 Name','Menu2' => 'Menu 2 Name','Menu3' => 'Menu 3 Name',) );?>

    The first part of the array variable (Menu1, Menu2, Menu3) are the elements used to call the menu from the template files. The second part (Menu 1 Name etc) is the menu name as it will appear inside the Menus function in WordPress.

    If you’re working with a theme that doesn’t have the WordPress 3 menu function already installed, or if you want to add more menus, you simply copy the code above, paste it into functions.php and customize it to your liking. If you are working with a twentyten child theme you need to unplug the twentyten menu setup first. I already covered how to do this in Day 2: Creating a WordPress Child Theme the Smart Way but it doesn’t hurt to repeat it. Simply create a functions.php file in your child theme folder, copy and paste this block of code in and you’re good to go:

    'Header Menu','secondary' => 'Footer Menu',) ); ?>

    In this case I’ve created two menus: Header Menu and Footer Menu. And when you

    When you’ve added the code above to your functions.php file you’ll find a new Theme Location option in the Menus area in the WordPress admin panel. But to get the menu to display somewhere in your theme you have to do some more work. By default twentyten has the primary Header Menu installed so we don’t have to worry about that as long as we set the variable name to “primary”. As for the Footer Menu we have to add that one manually into the theme files. Since we want it to appear in the footer we create a copy of the footer.php file from the twentyten folder in the child theme folder. This child theme footer.php file will now override twentyten’s footer.php file.

    The next step is to add the template tag to call the menu. This is where things get interesting. You can call the menu in two different ways; either based on the name as set by the functions.php file or based on the menu name as defined by the user. If you pick the first (and safest) option this is the code you want to use:

    'primary')); ?>

    If you want to use the second option for some reason (for example if you want to add an optional menu to a free theme) you use this code:

    'Menu Name')); ?>

    It’s all pretty self explanatory, but here is a concrete example: If you want to call the footer menu we created above you insert the following block of code into the new footer.php file:

    'secondary')); ?>

    This adds the menu as an unordered list in the footer. Now all that’s left is to style it – but that’s a whole different tutorial.

    If you go to the twentyten theme and look in header.php you’ll find this block of code on line 85:

    'menu-header', 'theme_location' => 'primary' ) ); ?>

    You’ll recognize most of it but there’s more stuff here than I told you to use before. That’s because the wp_nav_menu function comes with an insane ammount of variable options to customize the output. In the case of the twentyten header menu the code says that the div container inside which the menu is wrapped should have a class named “menu-header” attached. This is for styling purposes so you can use different classes or IDs to target different menus. There are tons of other options as well, some more useful than others and you can read all about them in the WordPress Codex function reference page. I recommend you read the page and experiment with the output. It can be quite interesting to see what comes out and the variables open a lot of posibilities for customization. For your reference I rarely use anything more advanced than what you see in the twentyten example above.

    This tutorial is part of the 24 Days of WordPress series. If you want to learn more about WordPress and Expression Web check out the Sams Teach Yourself Microsoft Expression Web in 24 Hours series (version 2, 3 and 4), Lynda.com’s WordPress 3.0 Essential Training course and Microsoft Expression Web 4 LiveLessons.

    View the original article here

    marți, 7 decembrie 2010

    WP-AutoPoster - WordPress Plugin - Drip feed content

    WP-AutoPoster is a simple-to-use WordPress plugin that allows you to Drip Feed your content out over weeks, months, and even years! You can upload text files, Plr, even HTML to be posted randomly to your Blog, exactly as a human would do it only Better!

    Check it out!

    The Top 5 Mistakes of Massive CSS

     Just because you didn’t get to go to that awesome conference doesn’t mean that you can’t still watch the lectures! Each weekend, we’ll feature a recommended web development lecture on Nettuts+.

    This presentation, by Stoyan Stefanov and Nicole Sullivan, primarily details the huge performance benefits to using Object-Oriented CSS, as well as a crop of other common CSS hurdles.

    View the original article here

    WordPress 3.0.2

    WordPress 3.0.2 is available and is a mandatory security update for all previous WordPress versions. Haiku has become traditional:

    Fixed on day zero
    One-click update makes you safe
    This used to be hard

    This maintenance release fixes a moderate security issue that could allow a malicious Author-level user to gain further access to the site, addresses a handful of bugs, and provides some additional security enhancements. Big thanks to Vladimir Kolesnikov for detailed and responsible disclosure of the security issue!

    Download 3.0.2 or update automatically from the Dashboard > Updates menu in your site’s admin area. You should update immediately even if you do not have untrusted users.

    View the original article here